All-on-4® implant-supported dentures are a great solution for patients looking to replace an entire arch of teeth. All-on-4 dentures can be implemented within a single day, are minimally invasive and do not require a bone graft before the procedure. They are less expensive when compared to other treatments, such as a full case of dental implants, where the oral surgeon would be required to embed individual implants for each tooth. They offer more stability than regular dentures and instantly restore oral functions like chewing and speaking, dramatically increasing your quality of life.

Our oral surgeon will start with a consultation to determine if you are a good candidate and if your jaw size and shape are compatible with All-on-4 dentures. Then, we will optimally place and embed four dental implants into your jawbone to support your dentures, which will automatically snap onto the support posts to become more stable. Most often, your current dentures can be refitted to snap onto the implants, though new dentures may need to be created for you. You will be able to enjoy the foods you love again in a shorter time with implant-supported dentures that will feel like normal teeth.

To learn more about our All-on-4 treatments or to see if you are a candidate, call our dental office. We will be happy to help you get started toward a better smile.